The End

Wow! You didn't read all that rubbish, did you? You're dedicated! Or very bored.

I always like doc files that rabbit on, like Jeff Minter's epics. I suppose it sort of gives you an insight into the person that wrote the thing, rather than the ``Press Z to go left" sort of file.

I'm going to stop here before I put the last of the audience to sleep!

Thanks for taking the trouble to look at the game, I hope you like it. I wrote it rather than get a job over the summer, so somebody better appreciate it!

Feel free to spread AoW around as much as you like - it's in the Public Domain, though I keep the copyright. Upload it to bulletin boards, send it abroad, copy it for your friends.

Play the game, and get your chequebook out!

Dave Smith
2.49 pm
September 1st 1992